During this month of St. Joseph when the entire Church honors St. Joseph in a particular way we include a few more prayers:
NOVENA PRAYER TO ST. JOSEPH O glorious St. Joseph, faithful follower of Jesus Christ, to you we raise our hearts and hands to implore your powerful intercession in obtaining from the benign heart of Jesus all the helps and graces necessary for our spiritual and temporal welfare, particularly for the grace of a happy death and the special favor we now request. (mention your request). O guardian of the Word Incarnate, we feel animated with confidence that your prayers in our behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God. O glorious St. Joseph, through the love you bear to Jesus Christ and for the glory of His name, hear our prayers and obtain our petitions. Amen. PRAYER TO ST. JOSEPH FOR THE UNEMPLOYED O St. Joseph, we pray to you for those who are out of work, for those who want to earn their living or support their families. You who are the patron of workers grant that unemployment may vanish from our ranks; that all those who are ready to work may put their strength and abilities in serving their fellowmen and earn a just salary. You are the patron of families; do not let those who have children to support and raise lack the necessary means. Have pity on our brothers and sisters held down in unemployment and poverty because of sickness or social disorders. Help our political leaders and captains of industry find new and just solutions. May each and every one have the joy of contributing, according to his abilities, to the common prosperity by an honorable livelihood. Grant that we may all share together in the abundant goods God has given us and that we may help underprivileged countries. Amen. PRAYER TO ST. JOSEPH FOR ASSISTANCE O glorious St. Joseph, you were chosen by God to be the foster father of Jesus, the most pure spouse of Mary ever Virgin, and the head of the holy family. You have been chosen by Christ's Vicar as the heavenly patron and protector of the Church founded by Christ. Therefore, it is with great confidence that I implore your powerful assistance for the whole Church on earth. Protect in a special manner, with true fatherly love, the Pope and all bishops and priests in communion with the See of Peter. Be the protector of all who labor for souls amid the trials and tribulations of this life, and grant that all peoples of the world may follow Christ and the Church He founded. Dear St. Joseph, accept the offering of myself, which I now make to you. I dedicate myself to your service, that you may ever be my father, my protector, and my guide in the way of salvation. Obtain for me great purity of heart and a fervent love for the spiritual life. May all my actions, after your example, be directed to the greater glory of God, in union with the divine Heart of Jesus, the immaculate heart of Mary, and your own paternal heart. Finally, pray for me that I may share in the peace and joy of your holy death. PRAYER TO ST. JOSEPH IN TIME OF DISTRESS We come to you, O blessed Joseph, in our sore distress. Having sought the aid of your most blessed spouse, we now confidently implore thy assistance also. We humbly beg that, mindful of the dutiful affection that bound you to the immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and of the fatherly love with which you cherish the Child Jesus, you will lovingly watch over the heritage that Jesus Christ purchased with His blood, and by your powerful intercession help us in our urgent need. Most powerful guardian of the Holy Family, protect the chosen race of Jesus Christ; drive far from us, most loving father, every pest of error and corrupting sin. From your place in heaven, most powerful protector, graciously come to our aid in this conflict with the power of darkness, and as of old you delivered the Child Jesus from supreme peril of life, so now defend the holy Church of God from the snares of her enemies and from all adversity. Have each of us always in your keeping, that, following your example, and borne up by your strength, we may be able to live holily, die happily, and so enter the everlasting bliss of heaven. Amen. (This article is part of a series that will appear over the course of this year on the Monthly Devotions of the Church’s year). Comments are closed.
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June 2023
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