The Eucharistic Liturgy is the greatest prayer of all, and infinite graces flow from the Sacrifice of the Mass. A Mass may be offered for the repose of the soul of someone who has died, on the occasion of an anniversary, or some special need. If you would like to have a Mass offered for a loved one, please stop in or call the Parish Office at 262-782-4575. Your loved one will be included in the parish bulletin and also mentioned during the Mass. We can also provide a Mass card for you.
Mass Intention Guidelines
Three intentions will be accepted at one time. This will include no more than one in any given month (one weekend Mass and two weekday Masses or three weekday Masses).
A maximum of six Masses per year can be requested for any one intention. This will include no more than two weekends and four weekdays.
A maximum of 12 Masses may be purchased per household per year.
Per Canon Law, no intention is allowed to be scheduled further out than one year from the date of request.
Only one intention (one individual’s name or one family name) will be offered per Mass.
The Mass offering is $20 per intention, as determined by Archdiocesan policy. Checks or cash will be accepted.
Requests that cannot be fulfilled at St. Mary’s, can be sent to the Archdiocese of Milwaukee to be said by retired priests.
Requests are honored on a first-come, first served basis.