Liturgical MinistriesAs a community of faith, we welcome all - youth and adults - to serve as ministers of the liturgy. You will find a description of the various ministries in this segment of our website.
Growing in faith, nurturing our hope, and being persons who love and care for others, is our goal. In a world that is often confusing and stressful, we gather with grateful hearts to worship God by celebrating the Eucharist joyfully. From the first greeting and smile to the final wave of farewell, our Sunday worship offers inspiration, support, comfort, challenge and reflection on our call to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ. To serve as a liturgical minister, fill out the form below or contact Liz Steybe at 262-782-4575 or [email protected]. Altar ServersADULT: Adults assist our priests as servers at the 6:30 a.m. daily Mass and the 8:00 a.m. Saturday Mass during the school year.
Time Commitment: Assignments normally cover one week every ten weeks and may be shared with another server. YOUTH: Boys and girls who are in sixth grade through high school are invited to be altar servers. They act as the assembly's representatives in assisting the presider in the celebration of daily and Sunday Mass, weddings, and other liturgical celebrations. Servers are trained both to assist in the celebrations and to prepare and clean up the sanctuary and sacristy. Time Commitment: Scheduled for your preferred weekend Mass approximately one to two times every four months. Day students are scheduled for the 8:00 a.m. Mass during the school year. Weddings and other liturgical celebration servers are scheduled based on availability. FUNERAL: Adult and high school servers assist our priests at Funeral Liturgies. Time Commitment: Serve approximately once a month or every other month when available. High school students serve on weekends and during school vacation. |
Liturgical Ministry SchedulesLog-in to your account to view your schedule or request a substitute.
LectorsLectors accept the privileged role of proclaiming the Word of God in a manner that can nourish the assembly. They reflect upon the reading itself as well as its contextual background. They apply effective methods of oral proclamation so that the congregation may enter into the experience of God's Living Word. High school youth and adult parishioners interested in proclaiming God's Word are always welcome.
Time Commitment: Scheduled once or twice a month at your preferred Mass(es). Online scheduling available. Eucharistic MinistryExtraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are privileged to assist the presider in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist serve at all liturgies. High school youth and adult parishioners are invited to share in this special ministry.
Time Commitment: Approximately twice a month at your preferred Mass(es). Online scheduling is available. Substitutes also needed. Guidelines for Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Ministers of HospitalityMinisters of Hospitality are the first to welcome each person to worship. They help with the collection, the communion procession and other needs of the community. The Ministry of Hospitality is open to all ages. Young children are encouraged to participate as able with their families.
Time Commitment: Scheduled for one month at a time at your preferred Mass. |
SacristansSacristans are men and women whose tasks are to open all the doors to the church and the Adoration Chapel at 5:30 a.m. each weekday morning and 6:30 a.m. on Sunday. Sacristans light the church for early worshipers, clean the vigil light stands, replace the daily and weekly candles, along with the sanctuary and altar candles as needed. Sacristans help the celebrant prepare for Mass by setting out hosts, water, and wine.
Time Commitment: Scheduled as your time permits. EnvironmentThe volunteer art and environment coordinator works closely with the Liturgy and Music office to design a plan for each liturgical event. The environment committee consists of parishioners who decorate the sanctuary and church throughout the liturgical year consistent with the various themes determined by each particular church season.
Time Commitment: Usually the day(s) before liturgical seasons or church feast days. Your commitment could be for one or several seasons. Holy Dusters/Altar SocietyThe Altar Society is made up of parishioners who volunteer to help with the maintenance and upkeep of our place of worship. Specifically, their duties include cleaning the sacristies and altar, cleansing the votive stands and replacing the candles, cleaning the adoration chapel, and weekly cleaning of the holy water fonts and replacement of the holy water. Some members have volunteered to be responsible for the cleaning of the sacristy linens while the entire group is available to help, if needed, in enhancing the altar with seasonal and holiday decoration.
Time Commitment: Approximately two hours each month. Linen MinistryThose a part of this ministry are responsible for the cleaning of the sacristy linens and server albs.
Time Commitment: Approximately two hours each month. |