With the US Supreme Court’s historic decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and bring an end to nationwide legalized abortion, our pro-life community must strengthen its efforts to surround every woman experiencing an untimely pregnancy with a community of support and love. SMV Respect Life Ministry invites the parish to participate in Walking with Moms in Need, an initiative of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) that calls for parishes and communities “to identify and help provide the full range of needs for mothers and their unborn children, not only during pregnancy, but for years to come.”
The Memorial for Unborn Children (2010) sculpture by Slovakian sculptor, Martin Hudacek, was on display in the Atrium for the month of January. It is a masterpiece that depicts a grieving mother who has lost a child and a translucent child reaching out to the mother in love. This sculpture deeply touches the loss felt in abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, and other infant and childhood losses. View the 4-minute video Memorial for the Unborn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIk88uTTn0s. OH WOUNDED HEART….BE HEALED. Baby Bottle Drive for Women's Support Center, Milwaukee Our Parish participates in a Baby Bottle Campaign for the Women’s Support Center of Milwaukee. The Women’s Support Center is a Catholic, pro-life pregnancy Center on 21st and Wisconsin Ave serving approximately 150 women a month. All services they offer are 100% free. These services include pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, baby supplies, classes in areas of parenting, Natural Family Planning, on the harms of birth control and the beauty of chastity and much more. The campaign was held in January this year. Thank you for your life-saving generosity! |
Baby Item Collection for Women’s Care Center (Apr.) a Milwaukee area pregnancy help center serving over 2,000 women in need each year. With your kind and generous donations, coupled with WCC’s non-judgmental counseling approach, free state-of-the-art ultrasounds, and parenting education classes, 92% of moms choose life for their baby! Donations can be made online at supportwomenscarecenter.org/donate, and click on “Wisconsin” and “Milwaukee” to donate in our community, or you may donate directly to WCC’s Amazon Baby Registry: https://www.amazon.com/.../womenscarecenterm.../RJC5CPL1O886.
Diaper Drive for Life’s Connection (Oct) pregnancy help center, located in Waukesha and Mukwonago. For more information about Life’s Connection and their life affirming work with unexpected pregnancy, crisis care, post abortion healing and loss through miscarriage, please view its registry and ways to donate directly, https://lifesconnection.info/. |