The Visitation Institute School of Theology (VIST) aims to equip parishioners and guests with a deeper understanding of the Church's faith, through a more rigorous and comprehensive study of the Church's treasury of doctrine, morality, sacraments, and prayer.

The Second Vatican Council impacted the Church and the world in innumerable ways and continues to bear great weight and influence on the Church's life and mission. However, it has not been without its controversies and challenges. As we move into celebrating the 60th anniversary of the close of the Council in 1965,
The Visitation Institute School of Theology will spend the next several semesters reading and discussing the actual texts of the Council and their enduring legacy.
The Visitation Institute School of Theology will spend the next several semesters reading and discussing the actual texts of the Council and their enduring legacy.
For more information, please contact Josh Dieterich, [email protected] or 262-782-4575 x109.