Catholic Formation Registration
Please download the appropriate form at the links below, and return all forms with payment to the PARISH office.
The mail slot to the left of the PARISH office door is available 24/7. All registrations are due by September 16, 2020.
Each registration must also include the Archdiocese of Milwaukee's Covid-19 Consent Form for Religious Education
(one completed form per family).
The mail slot to the left of the PARISH office door is available 24/7. All registrations are due by September 16, 2020.
Each registration must also include the Archdiocese of Milwaukee's Covid-19 Consent Form for Religious Education
(one completed form per family).
Grades K5-12 Registration Options
First Reconciliation and First Communion (2nd Grade)
Please note, if you are registering your child for First Sacraments and they are not enrolled at St. Mary's Visitation School, you must also register your child for Catholic Formation classes